Day 27 Mangawhai to Pakiri Beach

Distance Walked: 22km

Date 31 Oct 2022

Hitched 25Km

End of day Trail Marker: 478

Weather: Bright and Sunny

Note: Beach, Beach and then water

The B & B (Trail Angels) were great.

The Hand pitching in with some Tamborine back up as we prepared for the day.

This is Bob’s creek at low tide (0750).

Next it was into the forest, a lot of the land around this space is apparently owned by an American Millionaire.

I’m sure somebody said the Beach walking was at the start and finish of the TA, well I’m here to tell you Beach Walking so far has been on the Menu quite regularly.

So todays Beach walking will be done in 2 parts the first will be 6.1km and we are aiming for that Headlands in the distance.

So I got it partially right this time, these guys were using one of those drones to take there line out through the waves. You can see here the bag limit on Snapper is 7, they did say they had to throw some back.

Looking back at our first water crossing for the day. It was ankle deep and wide enough to ensure we got wet.

So the headland was not the highest we have been but you could see along way on a clear day. The shot was looking back.

And just turn around and we could see where we were heading.

This beach is popular with the locals even though it is remote. please take note of the gap between the Water and the Dune

Looking back at our second water crossing, this one was mid thigh deep.

Did I say mid thigh deep, it was actually at my waist.

looking back down the Beach, this section was 10km’s. You can see how high the Tide was getting.

Our last water crossing for the day, very hard to tell that the water came up to my chest. Good thing is nothing in my back pack got wet.

The Hand got in an early game of Chess (Black Pawn)

The end of another day, it wasn’t totally dangerous but certainly adventurous.

It was just a little bit funny, as we stood at the counter waiting to check into our Camp Site for the night we were dripping wet. I had to apologise for the amount of water we left on the floor.

Tomorrow is another up hill day.

Good night


Day 33 Auckland (Zero Day)