Day 6 - Mistletoe Bay - Anakiwa(4Hr)

(1st March 2025)

Hello Everyone,

As this would be my last day on the Queen Charlotte track and a short one at that, I thought a later start wouldn’t be so bad so 0630 was the go!

I knew that today as I descended to Anakiwa the views would change and the number of people using the track would increase and it did.

I started the day on the way up to the QST, I was lucky to get a lift back to the track (800 mtrs) and then it was a gentle up slop for some time on from this point is was a gentle up and down until I got to the end. Surprising enough I came across a lot of people doing section hiking/riding, so many.

I know I have said it before the view just keeps on keeping on.

Just a couple of the some 50 riders I came across going both up and down the track.

Amazing how often over four days you can take a picture and catch both the Bluebridge and the InterIslander at the same time.

At the end of a quick 13 kms and the end of the Queen Charlotte Track for me. Hopefully with a little luck this won’t be the end of my Te Araroa Journey.


Day 5 - Mistletoe Bay - Zero Day