Day 0.3 Auckland (CBD)

Distance Walked: Not a lot of walking today, it was more about the last admin type tasks that I needed to get out of the way.

Trail Covered: NIL

Weather: Overcast, no rain, ye ha!

Interesting Facts: How many of you have heard that New Zealand has more sheep than people? This is very true, however you must try to get a Rack of Lamb at a Restaurant ,as we discovered recently with 2500 km traveled only one place had a Rack of Lamb on the menu. So here is the fact apart from exporting product a lot of the sheep are now being milked for Cheese, who would have thought!

OK, so this is the outlook from the front of our Hotel on Albert St as I was on my way to the Barbers. Construction everywhere in the Auckland CBD.

And more construction!

I walked up to the Bus Terminal which is directly below the Sky Tower.

The Auckland Central Bus Depot, it looks very Industrial and it is but at 0700 tomorrow it is where I need to be to get away to Kaitaia

So a number of Trampers take along a mascot, in my case I have chosen a Lucky Charm, Game of Thrones had its Hand and I have mine. An outline of our Grand Daughter’s (Harriet) hand on heat shrink material. Harriet will be with me through out this adventure.

My pack is all but ready to go, in the morning I will add the usual toiletries, take some pictures and I will be away.

Whilst I am as prepared as I can be, I need to be as flexible as possible, even when writing this blog I need to be patient as I will be relying on signal and knowledge, it appears that I will be using at least 3 web addresses to keep the Blog up to date.

I will post blogs as much as possible, please be patient.

Happy Tramping


Day 0.2 - Auckland (CBD)