Day 26 Waipu Cove to Mangawhai Heads

Distance Walked: 00km

Date 31 Oct 2022

Hitched 25Km

End of day Trail Marker: 4

Weather: Bright and Sunny

Note: We’re on the Road again

We started the day early (0600) as we knew it was going to be tough.

We were up and away early, early enough to catch the sunrise. Unfortunately the clouds from yesterdays rain system hdn’t gone away as yet.

It was still before 7am when we came across the neat looking flower, it grows something like the Agapanthus. And at the same time I finally found the elusive “Black Stump”

Sorry about the trees in the way, however I wanted to show you how high we had climbed by 0800. We started down at the waters edge.

So it was then into the Forest, lots of clay and mud to slip on.

Jerome is leading the way, he is a good pathfinder. You will notice the orange triangle nailed to the tree just to the right of Jerome, these can be found from start to finish of the Trail

It’s so easy to get the best picture when it is not you on your Arse.

Not long after Jerome’s slip we stopped for a quick break The Hand was ensuring we new which way to go.


At 0930 we were still going up. Nope that is not a trail marker, I think this one is used to mark a Possum Trap or Bait.

Boring, the 11 o’clock picture today. We had exited the Forest and went onto a farmers property, Jerome is way ahead at this point.

I just don’t get tired of the views..

So what happened next was a little stressful hence there is only one picture available.

  1. We came across a warning sign

    1. Beware of farm animals (Bulls)

    2. Beware of poisons

    3. Electrified fences in use and a few more that I can’t remember.

  2. So i look up at the style (steps to get over fences) that were are about to use and guess what. You guessed it just metres away a couple of Bulls.

  3. A couple of quick thinking gentlemen hopped the fence and then through a gate to the next paddock to safety, we thought.

  4. This paddock looked doggie at best for hiking, Jerome went ahead to see if we could actually get out of the paddock.

  5. I followed soon after, there was no way these Bulls were going to let us by on their Turf.

  6. Jeromes yells back to me be careful the wire is live (Electrified) just I grabbed a wooden post my sleeve soaking with sweat touched the live wire, I know why the Cattle don’t play with these fences.

Jerome had found us a way out, after handing all of the equipment over to Jerome all I had to do was leopard crawl under three live wires.

After we moved off the Farm the remainder of the walk was on the Coastal Walkway

What a great day of up’s and downs, we are camped at a B & B tonight.

A huge day of Beach walking tomorrow.

Good Night


Day 24 Ruakaka to Waipu Cove