Day 24 Ruakaka to Waipu Cove
Distance Walked: 18km
Date 29 Oct 2022
Hitched 36Km
End of day Trail Marker: 419
Weather: Over Cast with showers
Note: The mind strays
Today started early with some Apple and Cinnamon porridge and a black cup of Tea. Plenty of time to think about the day ahead and of course home.
Whilst having breakfast these little fellows decided to have breakfast as well, apparently they are not a pest here in NZ.
Our accomodation whilst here, single room, fridge and kettle.
Jeromes cabin and pack, by the way this is the Ruakaka Holiday Park. They are friendly in general and offer discount to TA Hikers.
It was out of the Holiday Park and straight onto the Beach for a 5km walk in the sand.
Out in the middle of Uretiti Beach we found these wood statue’s.
Yes it is a Fire Station, but this is for you MG a pathway that just stops for no reason?????
The 11 o’clock picture today was interesting, we had gone into this Cafe dodging the rain and noticed that this was Nova Scotia Junction.
The TA runs along a busy road so the local community have combined it with a cycle trail to take us off the road. The Community of Waipouli are very friendly towards us.
This is what I looked like for much of todays hike.
For a Saturday The Waipouli Cove Camp was strangely quite.
As we travel day by day we get into a routine:
Day 1 Our packs are heavy, and our bodies are rested.
Day 2 Our packs get lighter and our legs start to get weary.
Day 3 We are now watching our food as it gets low, and our minds start to wonder about the next section
Day 4 Our packs are now very light and we are very weary depending on the difficulty of the section.
Day 5 is mostly a Zero Day and then the cycle starts over again.
Good Night