The Journey Continues
Hello Everyone,
Its been some time, whilst my fingers have been idle I have been very active, when the weather permits I am out hiking 3-4 times each week.
OK, I should take a step back, for those of you who don’t know I am going back to New Zealand to continue a journey unfinished. Many people have said that when long distance hiking the ‘why’ is the most important, not the how and one should not lose that focus.
This time I am dropping down to the South Island and for starters I will be hiking The Queen Charlotte track for a warm up before continuing onto the Pelorus Track which is considered to very technical. The 2 tracks should take 8-9 days.
At risk of stating the obvious I need to get there first. Monday the 24 Feb, the day starts with a 0630 flight to Sydney, then onto Auckland, then Blenheim on the South Island and then a car to Picton. My head should hit the pillow at about 1030 that night.
I hope you will all follow me on part 2 of my Te Araroa journey