A Week to go!
Hello Everyone,
With 7 days to go until I leave for New Zealand I thought I would give you a brief look into what this week has in store for me as fa aas trasining goes. Remember all of the hiking is done with a 13.5kg pack on my back.
Sunday : Mt Lofty, tick this one off. It did take me 1 hour and 40 minutes return and whilst this track is not technically challenging it is rated 4 (hard) as far as effort goes.
Monday : (am) Spin Class & (pm) Ansties Hill short course (4.5k)
This was a good day, Ticked both boxes.
Tuesday : (am) Gym
Ticked this box.
Wednesday : (am) Gym & (pm) Ansties Hill Long Course (8k)
Took a rest day :-(
Thursday : (am) Spin Class & Ansties Hill short course (4.5k)
Friday : (am) Gym & (pm) Ansties Hill Long Course (8k)
I am not sure what I will do on Saturday & Sunday, most likely take the days off to allow my equipment to dry out and then re pack.