Day 34 Auckland CBD to Auckland Airport
Distance Walked: 31km
Date 08 Nov 2022
Hitched 25Km
End of day Trail Marker: 625
Weather: Bright and Sunny
Note: An Adventure put on hold
It is at this point that the Trail goes back to Road walking and whilst some of it was on paths a lot of it was on the road verge and a small verge at that.
By the time I reached the Airport I was limping quit severely, the small toe on my left foot was swollen again. I had issues with this toe since day 3 and was treating it with ibuprofen however when the distance each day is way above 15km this did not help.
At this point the Trail goes right be the front door of the Airport Doctors, now I had been resisting this however the daily distance becomes rather crucial at this point so I thought I would drop in and see what they could do for me. Unfortunately without an X-ray of my foot, no facilities available at the time, all the Doctor would say is take 2 - 3 weeks off.
Weighing up all of the possibilities coming home was the easy decision a flight for $350 or 2-3 weeks of time and the associated expenses without any certainty that I would be able to continue so here I am back in Adelaide.
I did go to the local Doctor this morning who again would not make any decision except to say I needed to go to a Podiatrist, the one that is associated with the local practice could not get me in until 5th January, I continue to try to get in earlier.
In the short term it looks like this adventure is over, I will wait until I see a Podiatrist before I plan anything further.
Before I sign off for now, I would like to say thank you to a few people:
Firstly, my Wife and Family as this project has been all consuming for at least 2.5 years and without their support it would have never got off the ground
Astrid, you were such good company in those first couple of weeks.
Jerome, what an awesome hiking companion
Mathew Gordon & Michelle (LWG) for your inspiration and support.
To all of the other people Trail Angels, Hikers and Strangers that I met and received support from and sometimes just a conversation Thank you and Happy Travels :-(