Day 2 - Twilight Camp to Maunganui Bluff Camp Site

Distance Walked: 28 Km.

Trail Covered: 40km

Weather: Overcast but warm

Note: Now this is a lot of Beach

28Km of Beach ahead, what can I say “Boring”

We were just walking along this Beach minding our own business and this fellow jumped down from the Dune just to let us know we were on his Beach.

We’re are the fish, we found this washed up ($1500) appears to have gotten lost. If you don’t know this beast is supposed to tow your fishing line out through the surf.

trampers leave Camp at different intervals and with the variations in speed we end up spread out over kilometres.

First car seen on the beach

The Department of Conservation said there would be wild horses, this one was about 20 meters from my tent.

What a great view from my tent in the early evening

The Hand turned up at the limited facilities

And more steps.

To finish today off, we had the company of a Kiwi Rastafarian. Some grass and loud Reggae music.

Happy Tramping


Day 3 - Maunganui Bluff - Hukatere Lodge (Copy)


Day 1 - Cape Reinga to Twilight Beach