Day 1 - Cape Reinga to Twilight Beach

Distance Walked: 12 Km.

Trail Covered: 12km

Weather: Overcast but warm

Note: Some of you may note that I actually started a day early, opportunity knocked. We were picked up at 0930 and arrived at the Cape at 1130 after a quick stop at one of the best Pie shops ever. An emotional day on a couple of levels, firstly the realisation the my wife Sue was flying back to Australia today and I am all alone New Zealand now for some time, and secondly I was about to start and adventure that we had been planning for at least 2.5 years, so here we go :-)

Ok, so know we’ve all seen this picture before but this is the real thing

The coast line around the Lighthouse is un believable, the Tasman Sea & the Pacific Ocean collide at this point.

The obligatory picture next to the distance pole, sorry about the hands in the pocket, you would not believe the wing speed on the point, the only safe people were those with backpacks..

We (Trampers) will see a lot of these signs a long the way, they are placed at the start and finish of the many walk throughout New Zealand, the times can vary depending on the ability of the individual.

A view of Te Werahi Beach, this is a pre cursor to 90 Mile Beach

Steps, steps and more steps

And more steps.

A little bit of moonscape to change things up a bit.

So just to rub it in at the end of Te Werahi Beach we will go up 5 - 10 flights of stairs..

Our camp for the night (Twilight Camp), the tent on the left of the structure belongs to a girl who was on her last 2 days, it had taken her over 550 days to complete with Covid causing a break”

The Hand made an appearance late in the day, just having a look at what is for Dinner.

It’s the end of day 1, whilst it was a short day (12Km) the variety of Terran was great and helped to break up the walk.

Happy Tramping


Day 2 - Twilight Camp to Maunganui Bluff Camp Site


Day 0.4 Auckland (CBD) to Kaitaia