Day 20 Ngunguru to Ocean Beach

Distance Walked: 28km

Date 25 Oct 2022

Hitched 36Km

Trail Marker: 379

Weather: Bright and sunny

Note: Today will be a good test of my Mountain Goat Skills

The day started with a 1km walk and then a boat ride to get to the other side (Captain Obvious).

So on the other side we received a briefing about the indigenous land owners and their expectation’s, as well as the tide times for each water crossing.

A quick glance of what is ahead of us.

We will be going as far as you can see.

Jerome surveying what is the start of a spectacular day..

As usual there was some small undercover sections to provide some shade.


This was the end of our first water crossing, Jerome actually went back into the water for this shot.

Just add a little road walking to make the day complete.

The road comes to an end and we crossed this bridge.

The first time we see the official road sing warning drivers of our presence.

As we moved towards the next water crossing we had to navigate some mangroves.

As we were traversing the coast we came across this tree, Jerome thought it looked like a Bonsai.

The team surveying the water crossing that was to come you can see the post on the other side that we had to aim for unfortunately the water was not the problem.

Once we had crossed the water it was through the last of the Mangrove swamp mud and into a farmers padock

If you zoom in on Jerome (on the right) you can see how high the mud was.

Again zoom in and you will see a yellow fence, remember this.

Just sucking in the big ones and admiring the views.

If you remember back to the picture with the yellow fence, now zoom in and you will be able to get an idea of the first real climb for the day.

Off in the distance you can see the water that we crossed earlier.

We finally hit the top, the mountain the distance is our target for tomorrow. People do pitch their tents here, we are moving down to the beach to about half way along to Jagger’s Camp Site.

On the beach, very happy however there was still some hard work to come. The tide was coming in fast which meant that there was almost 4km of soft sand walking.

As we walk down the beach the task for tomorrow looms in the distance.

We finally reach Jaggers Camp almost on Dark, the Camp itself was very rustic, it did have the basics, cold shower, filtered water and real toilets.

Our source of heat, a Pizza Oven. We cranked it up as high as we could in an attempt to dry some of our gear.

The green Rain Water tank has been converted into toilets and the white building is the cold water showers.

The Hand managed to find a familiar game to play, who would have thought that you could find Corn Hole out in the middle of nowhere.

With another big day out of the way Dave and I pitched our tents whilst Jerome made himself comfortable ontop of one of the Picnic Tables.

I have found it amazing, when you are consuming what you are able to carry for a number of days the small things (Tea Bags & Jelly Beans) become an absolute treat at the end of the day.

Sue, just about everyone I come across thinks our Tea Bag idea is awesome, so much so I am reloading them as I go.

Good Night


Day 21 Ocean Beach to Whangarei Heads


Day 19 to Whananaki to Ngunguru