Day 21 Ocean Beach to Whangarei Heads

Distance Walked: 16km

Date 26 Oct 2022

Hitched 36Km

End of day Trail Marker: 395

Weather: Bright and sunny

Note: Today will test my mountain goat skills

As we started the day I looked back at Jagger Camp, the morning view was awesome so I tried my Panoramic skills.

This beast does not look any easier in the light of a new day.

We had to get over a couple of small headlands on our way to Bream Head.

As we increased in elevation we got our first view of our target for the day, Marsden Point Refinery.

The path was quite good at this point, apart from the uphill.

Yes, that is a para glider way below us.

Dave and Jerome moving ahead as we darted in and out of the shade.


Zoom in and you will see the beach that we will be walking on some time in the next couple of days.

going up was a little tricky today, but on the way down was death by a thousand stairs. We break out of the forest and aim for Smugglers Bay. We will be camping at the base of that mountain (Mt Aubrey).

Almost to our Camp Site, i must admit we managed to find a Take Away shop and had a burger.

This is our DOC Camp site for the night, it’s ok most important it had nice clean toilets.

At the end of another hard day, we ran into Mark at the Camp Site and then had Nathan catch up to join us for the boat ride tomorrow which will be a relatively short day.

Good Night


Day 23 Ruakaka (Zero Day)


Day 20 Ngunguru to Ocean Beach